Our Strategic Plan 2014–17 sets out our Strategic Priorities for the next three years of the eLearning Consortium’s growth and development.
Strategic Priority 1: Sustainability
To increase independent school membership, services and student engagement across Canada
After five years of successful operation ELCC now has sixteen independent school members, has developed over thirty online courses and blended modules and has provided courses to over twelve hundred students. ELCC has trained sixty independent school teachers to build and deliver exemplary online courses.
Priority 2: Build A Strong Board
To reinforce organizations strength to support Consortium growth
The ELCC Board provides direction, governance and expertise to the Consortium to ensure delivery of the highest quality online education.
Strategic Priority 3: Tell Our Story
To develop effective communications to share Consortium strengths and advantages
ELCC has fostered excellence in online pedagogy, supporting student success and teacher professional development. ELCC will continue to develop and enhance electronic communications.