The eLearning Consortium Canada is the only provider of online courses specifically for independent and private schools in Canada.
- We are a not for profit organization created by independent schools for independent schools.
- By working together we provide a sustainable, cost effective method to provide high quality online courses to member schools in Canada
Our teachers have all taken the 125 hour University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) Additional Qualifications Course “Teaching and Learning with eLearning”.
- This provides them with an additional qualification with the Ontario College of Teachers and ensures the quality of our courses
- They build our courses and deliver our courses
Unlike other online providers, our courses are class-paced and run for the full year like in a regular school!
Unlike other online providers, our courses are class-paced and run for the full year like in a regular school!
- Our students develop online skills required for success in University and the work place
- Our students are challenged by interactive and collaborative course work
- Our student learn time management and communications skills…essential for future success
- Students often work in teams or groups
- Teachers communicate synchronously (live) with students in a Virtual Classroom.
- Students work collaboratively in authentic situations
- We provide Modules (or short courses) for K-8 students in a blended learning model
- We have latest software tools in our Blackboard Learning Management System
We provide Quality of Care for all our students to ensure their success!
- Every member school provides a School Site Administrators who supports student success throughout the course or module
- Every Member school provides an IT Support Staff member to support our teachers and students
We are a collaborative organization.
- Members Schools participate regularly in course selection, policies and procedures and quality control
- All Schools sit on our regular committees: Academic Council, Teacher Group, Site Administrator Group and IT Support Group