What did you like about the eLearning Consortium Canada courses you took?
It provided me the opportunity to expand my horizons and network with individuals who I would otherwise not have met. It increased my knowledge and understanding.
The fact that it isn’t bound to a set schedule allows for variable freedom that allows a student to work when they find the time for it.
I was a bit skeptical at first, but quickly learned that the course had the perfect environment in which to learn.
I am able to personalize my education and study what I am interested in. The course is also not offered at my school making this a perfect opportunity.
It was different to the normal environment in a classroom which enabled us to learn in a new and interesting way.
It is very hands on. The activities are creative and engaging.
I love the content we are learning about. I also feel as if it is being taught at a great pace in an effective way.
I really like the positivity and inclusiveness that both my teacher, and my classmates exude.
What skills do you think contributed to your success?
Mostly it is time management and figuring out when I am going to do my work and being sure I don’t leave it to the last minute like I have once or twice.
Technology is important, but not as important as time management.
Organization and independence. Being organized helps you stay on top of assignments and due dates. Being independent helps you do things without being asked.

Student answers from ELCC Student Course Surveys ’08-12